
Performance Diagnosis&Recovery

" Introducing Business of KCC "
Performance Diagnosis&Recovery

Provides services to diagnose and repair plant performance

Performance Diagnosis&Recovery

Thermal efficiency of the power plant accounts for 80 to 85% of the plant's operating costs and has an absolute impact on fuel costs. For example, if 0.3% reduction in thermal efficiency on 541Mw combined thermal power (power generation efficiency 52.22%) increases the annual fuel cost by approximately 1.02 billion won (as of 2011), impeding the plant's economic operations.

The performance diagnosis team presents optimal facility maintenance/maintenance measures based on KCC's abundant plant maintenance technology, and contributes to maximizing customer profits by reducing energy

Major Task
  1. Test and Supervision Performance of power plant
  2. Precision performance diagnosis of unit facilities such as steam turbine, gas turbine, boiler, HRSG, etc
  3. Derive performance degradation factors and establish future improvement directions
  4. Proposed Direction of Prevention and Maintenance Work
  5. Thermal Performance Modeling and Calibration Curve of Power Generation Plant
  6. Periodic performance management of power generation facilities

Holding Equipments
Acceptance Test and Supervision of Power Plant

The performance diagnosis team is conducting an acquisition performance test to verify the guaranteed performance of the construction contract of the power plant. This test is a very rigorous test based on the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Performance Test Code (ASME PTC) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), which are internationally certified test procedures, and has the highest test uncertainty.
  1. Review contract and design data
  2. Preparation of acceptance performance test procedures,  acceptance performance tests, supervision of acceptance performance
  3. Performance test of unit equipment, verification and preparation of calibration curve, uncertainty study, technical advice related to performance
Precision-level performance diagnosis of power generation plants

Until now, performance tests have been limited to plant performance evaluations, but KCC suggests optimal facility maintenance/operation plans based on our abundant plant maintenance technology and driving experience In addition, it plays a pivotal role in accurately diagnosing steam/combustion gas flow paths during open inspection to verify the accuracy of analysis items, and simultaneously to maximize customer profits and establish optimal condition-based maintenance
Thermal Cycle Modeling( Simulation )

Gate cycle and performance evaluation of power system efficiency (PEPSE) thermal cycle modeling is software for calculating the performance of power generation plants, which models actual plants thermodynamically and hydrodynamically, and simulates expected changes when power generation facilities change.
  1. Simulation-capable facilities: coal-fired, nuclear, combined-fired, cooling tower, heater, etc
  2. Sensitivity Analysis of Operating Conditions, Effects of Design (Material) Change, and Performance Analysis of Changes in Air Conditions